Fewer nonsmokers breathe cigarette fumes, CDC says (AP)
AP - Nearly half hyaluronic acid na hyaluronate supplements injection nonsmoking Americans are still breathing in cigarette fumes, but the percentage has declined dramatically since the early 1990s, according to a government study released Thursday.
Weight loss has become a major concern for millions of people across the globe, these days. People are looking out for different ways that can help them in losing weights in a short period of time.
It is surprising but true that the body's weight control functions can be easily and efficiently maintained by taking vitamins. Almost all the vitamins are vital in maintaining good health and weight. However, you need to depend on certain vitamins if your sole aim is to lose weight.
Now, the question is how vitamins can contribute in weight loss.
First, you need to stop your food cravings if you are serious about weight loss. You may not realize, but it is true that if you crave for a chocolate bar or fried food, you may be suffering from a nutritional deficiency. Yes, there is a relation between nutritional deficiency and food cravings
Some children crave for mud, chalks or other certain items because they suffer from calcium deficiency. If you are craving for chocolate, you may be suffering from a mineral deficiency. So, to stop food cravings and reach out to food items that are rich in calories, you need to fight the deficiency you suffer from.
A healthy weight loss plan usually involves eating several small meals in the morning and mid-day rather then having three large meals. It would be a good idea to spread your daily dosage through out the day for about three to four times. This is the best way to get nutrition and helps you to curb your food cravings.
You should focus on having additional doses of minerals. Have a lot of filtered water when you feel hungry. Here are some of the best vitamins to make you lose weight quickly:
a) Vitamin B2
Also known as Riboflavin, this vitamin is essential for normal thyroid function as well as metabolism. The best sources of this vitamin are liver, milk, kidney, hard cheese eggs, almonds, wheat germ, marmite and leafy green vegetables.
b) Vitamin B3
This vitamin plays an important role in normal thyroid production. The vitamin is an integral part of the glucose tolerance factor that's released each time blood sugar rises. The vitamin can be found in abundance in wheat bran, liver, tuna, turkey chicken, eggs, meat, mackerel, oats, salmon, wheat flakes, barley, dried fruit, cheese and brown rice.
c) Vitamin B5
Deficiency of this vitamin in body will interfere with the body's capacity to burn fat. The vitamin B5 plays good role in energy production. It also helps in normal adrenal function.
d) Vitamin B6
Also known as pyridoxine, this vitamin helps in regulating the production of thyroid hormone. It also helps in body's metabolism. Best sources of this vitamin is oats, mackerel, beef, wheat germ, brewer's yeast, poultry, sardines, dried fruits, eggs, cabbage, bananas, avocado and brown rice.
e) Choline
This is a part of vitamin B family and produced inside the liver. The vitamin is required for good fat metabolism. Fats can get trapped inside the liver due to deficiency in choline. You can get choline from lecithin, beet liver, beef heart, wheat germ, cucumber, and cauliflower and egg yolks.
f) Vitamin C
It is essential for proper glucose to energy conversion inside the cells. You can get vitamin C from black currants, green peepers, broccoli, kiwi fruits, Brussels sprouts, oranges, lemons, cabbage and strawberries.
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