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What's the 5 wholesale carnitine not to lose belly or get a six pack ab?
1) Crunches and Situps Don't Work
Not only is it bad for your back, ab exercises burn few calories and works very little overall muscle.
Your workouts are better off doing intense workouts on large muscle groups that will trigger the fat burning hormones in your body and increase your metabolic rate.
But too many people spend too much time focusing on training small muscle groups such as the abs, which stimulates very little fat burning hormones!
On your next workout look at a total body workout - exercises such as plank, side plank, and mountain climbers will improve your abs.
2) Ignoring Nutrition
For a truly lean stomach, you must eat right and get your nutrition in order. Nutrition is the number 1 factor in losing body fat. A bad eating habit will destroy you metabolism and hormone balance in your body.
So stay away from the fried foods, processed foods, take aways and any other type of junk food. The most important thing is that your diet is as natural and unprocessed as possible.
As well ignore diet gimmicks like low carb diets, and any other fashionable diet as it can harm the necessary macro-nutrients vital to your muscle development.
3) Forget Cardios
Everybody assumes that you must do endless hours of cardio workouts to get ripped six pack abs...Not.
Often, your weight loss journey will hit a plateau due to the body adapting to the same kind of exercise that is done, 'day in and day out'.
Studies have proven you will have greater results from a shorter interval program when compared to a traditional cardio program. And combine that with strength training, you will boost your metabolism up to 10% after a training program.
In other words, cardio sucks - start a combination of high intensity interval training and strength training to burn more body fat.
4) Setting Unrealistic Goals
'Rome was not built in a day'. Take small steps towards your ultimate goal. Forget about trying to lose 50 pounds in month! Not only is it unrealistic, it's stupid and unhealthy.
Having such a big goal in a short time frame will lead to failure and a quick loss of motivation. Short term goals are far better for the self esteem and confidence.
5) Not Having a Social Support Team
Make your self accountable.
Invite your spouse, brother or sister, child, mom or dad, a friend to participate in a healthy lifestyle. Make it a point to report to the person and not disappoint your partner.
This is how to get rid of belly fat - hard work, proper planning and bulk caffeine extract nutrition leads to more calories burnt!
Discover How to Get Rock Hard Abs at And Learn the 5 Facts on How to Get Rid of Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs.